BIB considers art to be a medium that allows people to explore themselves and their environment. Exhibitions at the bank's premises allow artists to present their works to interested members of the public as well as art experts. The bank also uses these works to help maintain customer relations and considers them to be a good cultural influence and creative inspiration for our employees. We work with a large number of church organisations to promote art and culture.


The positive development of BIB shows that our business model of sustainability and socio-ecological responsibility is not just the work of a collection of philanthropists – it is a forward-looking strategy for gaining market share and achieving corporate success. Meaningful market analyses are not possible given the complexity of our target group, which means that success in the market can only be assessed through independent observations and bank comparisons. The total assets of the bank have risen over the last 20 years from approx. EUR 500 million to almost EUR 4.4 billion; deposits have risen sevenfold during this time and outstanding credit has increased more than twelvefold from EUR 170 million to approx. EUR 2 billion. While German banks have reduced their workforces by an average of 15 per cent, the number of employees at BIB has soared from 40 to 116.

The cost-to-income ratio – an indicator of the bank's efficiency – is permanently below 50 per cent, which is much better than the industry average. Maximising return on equity cannot be the aim of a church cooperative bank. However, we are profitable enough to pay members an appropriate rate of interest for their participations and to safeguard the bank's equity capital through its own profits, even under the stricter requirements of Basel III. BANK IM BISTUM ESSEN is characterised by sustainability and FairBanking. A bit more every day. Sustainability Sustainability report Financial assistance with well building in Nigeria. Nuns from the Daughters of Divine Love Novitiate hope that they will finally find water at a depth of approx. 60 m